Lacy Ace

This is one very interesting and engaging book, it has lots to offer from teenagers and their lives, to the deathly use of magical spells. Magical and non-magical people live together, they are all aware of what dangers lie within the use of dangerous magic and the consequences. Unfortunately, the infamous Cuttlefish has returned and he is going around stealing very dangerous magical books, causing chaos has he goes.

The story starts off very quickly with a spine chilling moment with a dad and his daughter, this was certainly a great start to this story!

You are then introduced to Cass and her mum that works for SID (Sorcerer Investigation Department). The book moves between dangerous encounters of the magical kind that keeps you on your toes, to the life of a teenage girl. The ups and downs of friendships, relationships and how popular you are. With a twist of meeting the River People, you have lots to think about and how they might all be connected!?

I really enjoyed reading about the magical parts of the book, the people involved and the gripping descriptions of what happens! The book also has newspaper articles, notes and posters in between the chapters, which gives this book a slightly different edge.

The book starts off quick and does not let down towards the end either, the ending is very gripping with secrets coming out and knowledge being used to defend, what will happen next!

I would definitely recommend this book, it has everything from a magical adventure, fascinating teenage lives with a huge twist, to keep you guessing!


Geeky Lorraine


The Lawyer Librarian