_stephloves The Identity Thief

"it felt like we were planning a battle from an underground bunker, but instead of miniature armies we had Jammy Dodgers" - The Identity Thief ✨

#gifted Happy publication day to The Identity Thief by @alexbryantauthor and thank you to K&M Books for gifting me a copy of this wonderful book.

A shapeshifting sorcerer called Cuttlefish unleaded a terrifying wave of magical carnage across London.

A strange family known as the River People move into Cassandra Drake's neighbourhood.

Are the two events connected?

Spoiler alert: no.

My review

I really enjoyed this book. I wasn't sure what to expect going in but it took me by surprised and I had such a good time with it. I enjoyed the sorcery and magic system. But I regularly forgot that Cassie and her friends are only 12 years old.
Cassie isn't a character I'm a huge fan of but I'm invested in anyway. Hector I adore and my heart completely goes out to him.
I loved the layout of the book with mixed media (newspaper cut outs, blog posts, etc.) and I thought the story was fantastic.
I'm really excited to see what Alex does next with the God Machine series and I can't wait to pick the novella The Convict up as well.
I'm rating this book 4.5 🌟 overall. I had a really great time with it and I highly recommend it ✨


Geraldine Gatsby


The Identity Thief will steal your mind